Monday, May 16, 2011

My new blog AG newz

Hi this is little lily and I have a new blog we started it we have two followers and we would love for you to follow us to it is all about newz and we might have a contest it is a fun blog with great stuff to read. Emma dose the blog to and you will love it. Thank you.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

My mother day.

Hi, this was my Mama's mothers day! We went outside and then took a bath. We went out to dinner with my whole family !We had fun! Then we went to my Mimi and papa house, they went to dinner too. My mama got some cards and Molly (the dog) even gave her a card too! It was fun then! We went home and my mama open up our gifts we gave her, she loved it. It was a shirt from sundance, the shirt says route 61 on it. It was a great mothers day!

Love,Little Lilly:)